About Us

About Us

The world's only dna aptamer material patent-based
global bio company leader

Mission & Vision

Based On The World’s first DNA Aptamer Patent, Becoming A Global Therapeutics and Healthcare Market Leader

  • DNA R&D Innovator

    Started business with R&D for the innovative DNA-based AD/PD medicines, and expand the business to healthcare and cosmeceutical markets

  • Global ingredient IPs

    World’s first perfect antioxidants DNA Aptamer, Aptamin® patents rights owner (30+)

  • Game Changer

    Go to global, and suggest new industrial standards with DNA Aptamer

Business Scope

Company History

  • 2023 ~ 2022
  • 2021 ~ 2018
  • 2017 ~ 2014
  • 2023
    “Improvement of Vascular Dementia” SCI-grade thesis published in “Scientific Reports”.
    “Improving the Causes of Hair Loss” SCI-grade thesis published in “Skin Research & Technology”.
    “Improvement of Atopic Skin Inflamation” SCI-grade journal published in “Nutrients”.
    Achieved “Aptamin C” food additive approval.
  • 2022
    Merged with “Aptamin Lab”.
    “Improve Cognitive Impairment” SCI-grade thesis published in “Antioxidants”.
    “IJMS on Vascular Dementia” SCI-grade thesis published.
  • 2021
    “Aptamin C: Atopic Inflammation improvement” journal published in Antioxidant international acadamic journal.
    Developed MRI contrast medium and early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and chosen as a national level project.
    Launched “SELEX” DNA shampoo in online and offline duty-free shops.
    “SELEX” DNA shampoo acquired US FDA certification.
  • 2020
    Aptamin®C GRAS Notification (FDA, US)
    Aptamin®C additional patent registration (US, Korea)
    “Parkinson’s Therapeutics” journal published in Neurosciens Letters.
    “WD-Aptamer” journal published in Clinical Dermatory Open Access.
  • 2019
    Developed Aptamin®C ingredient for skincare
    Launched Aptamin®C finished cosmetic goods
    Posted an study results of Aptamin®C skincare on Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology
    Venture Business Certification
    TIDES, Poster Presentation
    AMWC, Poster Presentation
    InCosmetics Global, CosmeTech
    Started co-research with Kyunghee University, Chungang University, Sookmyung Women’s University
  • 2018
    Developed Aptamin®H, K, G
    Publish Aptamin®C, Aptamers
    Aptamin®C Korea Cosmetic Association Registration
    IFSCC, Poster Presentation
    IPO, Selection of an organizing company(KB securities)
  • 2017
    Aptamin®C ICID register
    Co-developed Aptamin® with Hanyang Universigy
  • 2016
    Developed Aptamin®C
    Gold prizes awarded in <Huzel Open Innovation>
  • 2015
    Developed microneedle patch type of early diagnosis system
  • 2014
    Developed contact-lens type of early diagnosis system

Business Roadmap

Entering the global healthcare market with the start of commercializing the first DNA Aptamer in worldwide

IP(Intellectual Property)

Intellectual Property Status

2 1 7 2 7 14 8 7 PCT2 Processing
Area Applied PCT Registered Total
Aptamin® 24 2 7 33
Therapeutics 12 12
Early Diagnosis 5 5
Total 41 2 7 50
  • 5
  • 7
  • 4


  • Key members
  • Advisory
  • CEO

    Jung-Wook Shim

    Aptamin Lab Co, CEO
    ADT CAPS Co, V. President
    Naturerepublic Co, V. President
    The Face Shop, executive director
    Economics at Seoul National University

  • R&D Advisor

    Yoonsung Kim, M.D., Ph.D.

    Rutgers University Medical School
    Weill Cornell Medicine
    Ph.D. in Medical School, Cornell Univ.

  • R&D Advisor

    Jae-Seung Kang, Ph.D.

    SNU therapeutics
    Anatomy and Cell Biology
    Ph.D. Seoul National University College of therapeutics

  • R&D Advisor

    Yeongjeong Kim, Ph.D.

    Dept. of Nursing Science,
    Kyunghee University
    Post-doc. Fellowship, Weill Medical School, Cornell Univ.
    Ph.D, Kyunghee University

Partners & Customers

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